• Enlist E3® Soybeans


Brand Name Emergence Standability Phytophthora Root Rot
  • E: Excellent
  • VG: Very Good
  • G: Good
  • AV: Average
  • NR: Not Recommended

Brand Features

44EC20 brand is a versatile soybean that can work as both a full-season and double-crop option. With its ability to branch out, 44EC20 brand works great on marginal soils. For best results, using a seed treatment and/or fungicide is recommended in areas where sudden death syndrome or frogeye leafspot are a concern. It’s also STS tolerant.

Agronomic Details

  • Maturity 44
  • Standability Very Good
  • Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Average/Good
  • Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistant
  • Height Medium
  • Pubescence Light Tawny
  • Sclerotinia White Mold Good
  • Root Knot Nematode Susceptible
  • Sulfonylurea Tolerance STS
  • Emergence Very Good
  • Phytophthora Root Rot Very Good
  • Brown Stem Rot Susceptible
  • Frogeye Leafspot Susceptible
  • Flower White
  • Hilum Black
  • Stem Canker Resistant
  • Chloride Includer
  • Data and information provided here is current as of 2025 season, and is subject to change without notice.
  • Yield results and scoring based on past performance; results may vary.
  • Patent Information at soybeangermplasmpatent.com.