• Stine GT™


Brand Name Drydown Root Stalk Stress Cold Emergence Test Weight
9808E-G 7 9 9 8 7 8
  • 9: Excellent
  • 8: Very Good
  • 7: Good
  • 6: Average
  • 5: Below Average

Brand Features

Stine 9808E-G is a proven winner that is a perfect fit as a refuge option or a stand-alone for the acres not needing insect protection. This line has great northern movement with fast dry down accompanied with excellent root structure and stalks. It offers excellent disease protection, especially against leaf diseases.

  • Proven high-yield potential on highly productive soils
  • Works well in all row widths
  • Performs best at higher planting populations

Agronomic Details

  • Maturity 114 - 116
  • GDD 2825
  • MN Maturity 115
  • Harvest Population High
  • Plant Height Medium
  • Ear Placement Medium
  • Ear Flex Semi-Flex
  • Cob Color Pink
  • Drydown 7
  • Root 9
  • Stalk 9
  • Stress 8
  • Cold Emergence 7
  • Test Weight 8
  • Gray Leaf Spot 8
  • Eye Spot 7
  • N.C. Leaf Blight 7
  • S.C. Leaf Blight 8
  • Anthracnose 7
  • Goss' Wilt 8
  • Common Rust 7
  • Corn-on-Corn Yes
  • Sand Recommended
  • Loam Highly Recommended
  • Clay Highly Recommended
  • Wide Rows Recommended
  • Narrow Rows Recommended
  • Population % in 30" or Wider Rows 105% of normal
  • Population % in Narrow Rows 110% of normal
  • Glyphosate Tolerant Yes
  • Glufosinate Tolerant No
  • Data and information provided here is current as of 2025 season, and is subject to change without notice.
  • Yield results and scoring based on past performance; results may vary.