• Agrisure Above
  • LibertyLink®


Brand Name Drydown Root Stalk Stress Cold Emergence Test Weight
9 9 9 8 8 7
  • 9: Excellent
  • 8: Very Good
  • 7: Good
  • 6: Average
  • 5: Below Average

Brand Features

Stine 9214-20 brand corn features best-in-class above-ground protection from pests such as corn earworm and western bean cutworm. Growers also have the advantage of two herbicide modes of action to help manage hard-to-control weeds. 9214-20 performs well on variable soil types, making it a solid choice on every farm.

  • Above-ground insect protection
  • Performs east to west
  • Excellent stalks and roots
  • Positive response to fungicide application
  • Taller plant type with good silage values

Agronomic Details

  • Maturity 85 - 87
  • GDD 2190
  • MN Maturity 86
  • Harvest Population High
  • Plant Height Medium-Tall
  • Ear Placement Medium
  • Ear Flex Semi-Flex
  • Cob Color Red
  • Drydown 9
  • Root 9
  • Stalk 9
  • Stress 8
  • Cold Emergence 8
  • Test Weight 7
  • Gray Leaf Spot 7
  • N.C. Leaf Blight 7
  • Goss' Wilt 8
  • Sand Recommended
  • Loam Recommended
  • Clay Recommended
  • Wide Rows Recommended
  • Narrow Rows Recommended
  • Population % in 30" or Wider Rows 100% of normal
  • Population % in Narrow Rows 105% of normal
  • Glyphosate Tolerant Yes
  • Glufosinate Tolerant Yes
  • Data and information provided here is current as of 2025 season, and is subject to change without notice.
  • Yield results and scoring based on past performance; results may vary.