William  Kessinger

William Kessinger

Technical Agronomist

Joined Stine Seed Company 2006

As a tenured Stine employee, Certified Crop Advisor and Certified Professional Agronomist Bill Kessinger is in his element as part of Stine’s Agronomy team. Bill began his career with Stine in 2006 as a technical agronomist, helping sales team members and growers respond to tough issues in the field. His knack for sales and passion for the Stine brand led him to a role as regional sales agronomist (RSA), where he managed a group of independent sales representatives (ISRs) and helped promote the Stine brand in his region, which covered Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. In 2019, Bill rejoined the Agronomy team and as a corn technical agronomist, a role that befits his years of expertise and agronomic knowledge. In his new role, Bill helps Stine RSAs and ISRs in the Eastern Corn Belt with tough issues in the field and with selecting the best hybrids, varieties and trait platforms to control weeds and maximize yield potential. 

Prior to joining Stine, Bill received his bachelor’s degree in soil and crop management from Purdue University. Born and raised on a farm, Bill’s background and education greatly benefit Stine, our sales team and growers throughout the country. 

In his free time, Bill and his wife Jenny farm and raise cattle for their kids, Blake and Grace, to show at the fair. When they’re not on the farm, Bill and his family travel the state for Grace and Blake’s various sporting activities — softball, baseball, and wrestling, to name a few.